Welcome to the new wave
the ''Wow'' starts now with the new X-treme website www.jmadams124.wixsite.com/xtreme2 note this website is resource intensive. The old...
the ''Wow'' starts now with the new X-treme website www.jmadams124.wixsite.com/xtreme2 note this website is resource intensive. The old...
don't you hate when this happens this is more annoying than clippy the paper clip and bonzi buddy combined
what if Wix was in the 90s this video was from Squirrel Monkey https://www.youtube.com/user/SquirrelMonkeyCom
Today is the day i will switch from iphone to blackberry due to a bug in imessage. sometimes i can't send SMS messages and because of...
My future phone has blackberry os 10 and a 4:3 Screen. But it also has the ability to run android apps. Does your phone do that.... guess...
Happy April Fools P.S Blackberry phones returning is not a joke
My Future Phone Has a physical keyboard. Does yours have one.... guess not #Blackberrynextgen
Great news im now on YouTube check it out and subscribe. Its themed after pre 2007 youtube videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7SzZ5...
Happy Sonic Day Everyone. Today the sonic movie will play in theaters. Im going to the 5:00PM playing of the movie
The New sonic movie here in canada Gets an early release from feb 14 to feb 13! in all theaters. im so pumped up to see it
Best meme ever original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTIqT9kMWpI
SOMETHING HAS SURVIVED https://jmadams124.wixsite.com/comingsoon Launching feb 1
look what my local theater is showing soon im so hyped to see the new sonic movie
The day DEC 24 2019 will be the day the V A P O R D A T E comes to my site. Welcome to a Brand New X-treme site. Now you can access my...
the update codename is called VAPORDATE the update includes blog access without account new vaporwave zone wallpaper Retro Game Challenge...
i just found out the mobile site is currently not compatible with IOS 6 and under or android 6.0 or under. I will post a update if i can...
Sonic X is Now on Netflix all 3 Seasons Plus the. NEVER BEFORE RELEASED SEASON 4 https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/sonic-x-coming-to...
The new sonic movie trailer is here click the poster to go to trailer
tonight i went on youtube on my mac and this come up. google is a complete dumbass ðŸ˜